Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trip 2 fun land

Guess what after my exams.My friends and i are going to Bukit Merah lake town resort. It's going to be great! I haven't ben there before but my friend said it's fun over there.Anyway thats all for now. I'll tell you more once i've been there bye :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

MY Prefect adviser

I just want to say my prefect "adviser" is not very fair. Anyway today in our prefect meeting. She was describing all of us and when she described me she said i'm one of those people who follow everyone. Well i'm not those type of people thank you very much. I only follow people when i agree with them or i have no comment thats it. well she doesn't know me very well.I'm not a bad person if i follow people it's just i like their idea or ther oppinion. feeewwwww i got this out of my chest.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My friends

Hey everybody, I'm bored as usual so i came to write about something but one problem, i have nothing to write about he he he he he. Hummmmmmmm let me see owwwwww I'll tell you about my friends. Well i have two friends, the first one is called C.S Sarumathy (Saru) She is one of my best friends and we share everything together. We are so close because for six hours i see her at school, and if its on monday she comes to my mums office and we do our homework ,then we make up games or play on the computer if our mums let us because sometimes i'm at her mums office. Our mums works at the same places. Then we go to Belly dancing class so we see each other over there for 1 hour and 30 minutes. So we are like sisters who are friends with each other.

My other friend is called Mutia, She is not that mature and can't keep secrets but she is kind and caring and thats all i want for a best friend. Saru is also kind and caring too. Mutia is always fun to be with but sometimes she's too sensetive . Like for example last year at my mums office we were online and talking to each other, but i still was having lunch at that time so i wanted to talk to her later after i finished eating my lunch and had finish doing all my homework. So i asked my mum to tell her to say good bye . Now in Australia we say goodbye a bit different, we use another term for it now all of you know that i have been in Australia for 5 years and had Australian friends, so they use this term a lot so i'm fine with it. The term people say is "see you later aligator" . I don't know if you guys say that in Malaysia but in Australia we do . So my mum said to her "see you later aligator" then 5 minutes later she put an angry face and started telling me off.

So then i asked her whats wronge then she told me that i called her an aligator and she said i was making fun of her which i didn't mean to at all. so i was thinking for a minute and i've never said anything like that before so she got more angry at me cuz when my mum said bye she didn't say "this is Aesyah's mum" she just said bye in that term so tnhe coller id said it was Aesyah so she kept telling me off so after i explained everything to her she put a happy face then said bye to me. Once she logged off my hands were aching from typing for too long but once my hands healed i never asked my mum to say goodbye ever again and even if i did let her i'll tell her not to say the term again but for mutia its ok cuz she knows what it means but she might forget then i'll be in big trouble i'll rather be safe then sorry.

Anyway i have to go now bye:)

And mum if your reading this don't get angry at me cuz i forgave you so you can forgive me right :).