Monday, September 22, 2008


Hello People that i don't know.I come in peace i am an alien named my sister.I love my youngest sister and hoped to be her slave.Ok i'll cut to the chase my tittle for today is dreams. Thats the dream i had last night but when it was getting good. My mums alarm clock went on and i woke up so it wasn't good for me.So sometimes my dreams absaloutly don't come true and next week i'm going to have a nightmare because my sister is coming home for 1 Whole week.I have to go now bye


Saya said...

one whole week??? uwaaaa...that will be a nightmare for the both of us. duck for cover quick!!

Sanity said...

hey?!?! what do you guys mean a nightmare?!? me coming home is like the best thing that could ever happen to you guys this holidays! you know if you keep writing stuff like this I might just forget your Birthday pressies :P

so I suggest you dedicate a whole new entry to me and why Im so good and cool and pretty etc; etc; =p =D