Wednesday, September 3, 2008

school clubs

Ok today was a normal day as usual first on Thursday we will start with cca it means co coricular activities its like where you can do stuff with your friends and other my class mates did the dance that i told you about yesterday.Anyway after every one did their preformance they had tables for us to sighn in if we wanted to join. So me and my friends sighned up for arts club.

Arts club doesn't mean that you only paint it also means you do drama dancers and other cool stuff.As i was saying we joined up but first we had to discuse whose going to be the president.

They made it such a big deal over nothing urrrrrrrg i got so frustrated that i didn't bother to care any more.After that we had to vote who was going to be in charge of the money and the teachers said the senior will pay five rm and junior including me pay for 3 rm.It was such a big mess.

Anyway After that we voted on what type of dance we were going to do there will be to ceogrophy's for the bigger people and for the smaller people.i won't tell you what there all are i'll say two only.1 is hawain dance and second is korean dance,but i hope we do the dancing next Thursdayif they can decide which one to do. Ok thats it bye


Sanity said...

I think you should care more about.....stuff in general. Just because those things are annoyingly troublesome and just because PEOPLE are annoyingly troublesome does not mean that you can just not care about it,. Its not good. Imagine if EVERYONE in the world had the same attitude as yours, the world would be in a complete and utter chaos.

Excuse my spelling mistakes, my fingers are NUMB! Anyway fix yourself up and CARE MORE!!


Sanity said...

oh and they FINALLY have cocurricular activities at your school? that's good =D

what other clubs were there besides the arts club?

Saya said...

thanks art doesnt mean you have to draw hehe at least one child got that right...;P ;P