Friday, June 26, 2009


Hey guys. I want to tell you something very serious and I need all of your help. OK so this is whats happening. Our marine Turtles are going to be ENDANGERED! They need your help right now. Do you know how you can help them. Well there's a website for you to go to but I'll tell you the website later. Do you know why their ENDANGERED. It's because every season the turtles will lay their eggs near Terrenganu beach. Or somewhere near there. Anyway right after they lay their eggs. They usually cover their eggs with sand and head off to the sea. When the eggs hatch they intend to go to the sea, but not all of them makes it. let me tell you why. the mother lays about 100 eggs per season, when she lays her eggs, people and scientist say that the mother sheds a tear when she lays her egg. Some people say its because its painful for her to give birth, while others say its because the mother knows that not all of her babies are going to make it. I don't know which one is it but i think its both of the reasons people said. Anyway Do you know that when the mother lays 100 eggs, and burries the eggs deep in the sand and heads of to the sea. there will be animals or prey to be waiting for her to leave so they can eat the eggs.

Also they would hunt for the leather back turtle and kill them and make them into soup. I saw the picture of the soup and you can actually sea the whole turtle body in the soup.Not the leather back turtle but the ordinary marine turtle.Also for the leather back turtle. They cut their stomach and sell it in one of those fish market things . When my teacher showed me this i felt like to throw up when i saw the INTESTINE! YUCK how can people be so cruel, and when i saw the leather back turtle in the fish market thingy. There were people taking photos of the turtle in a good way and in that photo. We saw a women looking at the turtle and smiling or laughing I'm not sure but it was one of that. Anyway so when my class saw her, my friend Mutia said "why is she smiling some more". then everyone agreed with her so this boy in my class said" If she thinks its funny, then we'll go cut her up and we'll see whose laughing now." Anyway they also make the shell into souvenirs and some other piece of junk. This is what the people do, they will bring the turtle to land. Cut the shell. Then throw the defenseless turtle back to the sea.

And when i saw them cutting the turtle up, i also saw that the egg was still inside the mothers stomach. I felt sad when i heard this part. Anyway did you know that now in terrenganu. They have made this place near the beach of course and the turtles can go there and lay their eggs and not be disturbed. You can see the mother laying her eggs. So the mother will be disturbed a bit but you'll be not so near to her so it will be fine. Anyway did you know that the soup and the souvenirs and all that stuff is Illegal!. So now our government ( MALAYSIA GOVERNMENT ) is making a pledge to stop the bad people from doing these nasty things to those innocent creatures. He needs about 14000 or 4000 signatures to stop this from happening. He knows that its illegal but he needs every ones signatures for this to work. Then maybe it might be a rule that for now on. There will be no more of these ridiculous behaviour! So i need your help also to sign and agree to this pledge. Let me warn you that once you pledge. You can't buy turtle souvenirs or turtle soup or even steel turtle eggs. I don't think you will but I'm just warning you. Everyone in my classroom and school and is going to pledge and ask their parent , friends, cousin,relative, teachers and etc. to sign for this pledge. Also I need to tell you this. Turtles have lived over 1 million years already so don't let their life cycle be stopped, please don't. I hope you will sign. It will really mean a lot to the turtles.

GO TO: and once your there, click pledge here near the right and fill in your details . THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I'm not sure if over seas people can pledge also. If their reading this then maybe they can try to pledge but I'm not sure. Anyway spread the news please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .

1 comment:

Saya said...

this is a very good entry honey. I didnt know you cared that much. I will pledge also okay.

btw, Im in Switzerland when I wrote this. I miss you and I miss home :(

cant wait to go back!!