Friday, August 14, 2009

How I celebrated the ending of my exams, by going to my cousins house

Hey, two days ago. I did my English exam and IT WAS A PIECE OF CAKE WITH ICING AND A CHERRY ON TOP!, and for the math exam. It was also easy. But I still hope I pass the exam. But my parents are certainly sure that I'll pass, but I'll let you know when they tell me.

So on Friday was my last day of my nightmare so my dad and I went to my cousins house on my dads side of the family. They are very nice to us but not the boy, the boy always calls me a monkey or a gorilla or a big fat monkey. So to show how much I appreciate my cousins lying words, I chase him around the house and pinch and torture him. MUAHAHAHAHA! By the way I like to bully my cousin he's very naughty but it's fun chasing him around the house it's sort of our way of playing which is aggressive : ) So we stayed there until night because I had to pick up my mum from the airport .Which was like 9 : 45 at night .

So we had lunch at my cousins house and their food was delicious ( yummy ). So right after dinner I chased my cousin around the house some more and his mum gave me permission to so I enjoyed it a lot . Also the cousin that calls me names is a boy Duh! no girl would do that but his sister is quite shy and polite and I like her a lot but I 'm still wondering what happened to her big annoying brother called my ' COUSIN ' . So last night he kept calling me a monkey so I chased him upstairs and then when he got down. He hid under the table thinking that I wouldn't find him and I did so I continued to catch my prey.

I forgot to mention that my annoying cousin which I love to chase everywhere is a couple months older than me like maybe two are three months older than me, and his sister is 4 years younger than him. Also last night when I was chasing him until I had to go, wasn't that fun I mean it was but there was no satisfaction there. At school I would sort of do the same to the boys at my classroom and by the end of the day I would feel relieved but for my cousin, well when I went in the car , I still wanted to Chase him around maybe because I like to chase him around the house. So next time when I see him again which I don't know when, but I 'll do a lot more chasing and a lot more torture. MUAHAHAHA!



Saya said...

hi honey

so thats why you looked tired when you pick me up eh? you ve been chasing people called cousin around!! hehe

I'm happy the exams are over. it was a nightmare wasnt it? at least we got that out of the way. I think you did good. congratulations.

princess Aerial said...

It's actually well not good, and you teach your students in English. You should be ashamed of yourself. You can't even speak a year one English before. HAHAHA

Saya said...

hahaha very funny. you should say that to yourself missy, not me!!

you cant even say pistachio right. yeah thats right.

princess Aerial said...

Owww yea , well Pistachio, there I said it so Ha to you missay!