Saturday, December 19, 2009

My exhausting week!!!!

Hey guys, this week was exhausting.I hardly stayed home to do nothing! Instead, we went out everyday. Like on Monday we came back from camping with my family and cousin,on Tuesday and Wednesday we went shopping for new clothes and I also made my new I.C. Which will be done a month later.Then on Thursday i went to my friends house to play with her and play at her apartment's pool. It was so much fun sliding down her slide.then on Friday,my family went to my great uncle's wedding. It's a long story about the name that i have to call him. So basically i hardly stayed home only to sleep, and now ( Sunday ) I just came back to another wedding. So i don't have anytime to rest!!!!

1 comment:

Saya said...

I hope you can finally have some rest this week after all the activities, before school starts next week :)