Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines day to all

Hello peeps,
First of all I'd like to wish everyone a happy Valentines day to all those lovebirds that's celebrating. To those that are single and has no valentines well make this day an independent day and to try and be happy to be single because you're too sexy for everyone that's what my friends and i always say he he. Well another thing to ruin such a ''magical'' day is that it's placed on Monday. Yup, what a great way to kick off romance don't you think? Anyway moving on, my school did something nice for this occasion, the broadcasting club (in which I am in) had an idea to give chocolate dedications to whoever they please which is Ferraro Roche chocolates might i add.

My friend and I shared chocolates with each other (which he paid entirely for,thanks)So there were three balls of chocolate, i had one he had one and i had half a bite of the last one and he ate the rest ha ha. Sounds weird and looks weird but we're close friends so we don't mind. Now another thing that's a little different that happened to me on valentines this year is (brace yourself, joking). My friend was jokingly asking me to be his valentine which was sweet of him but since i know how he is I did not take it seriously. Anyway so he asked me to be his valentine so I replied back to him by saying so ''where's my chocolate then?'' and he was willing to pay RM4
(cost of the chocolates) and give it on Monday. Bad news was that the deadline for buying the chocolates was already over.

So I dropped the subject already and was already forgetting about it as I knew he wouldn't buy me it after all (being nervous of what people think) Also because lately we've been rumoured to be a couple so I did not want to make this a huge issue. As I was saying, I did not expect him to buy me any chocolates at all. So before break time, my friend and I had to distribute the chocolates to everyone in the school (had to, due to broadcasting jobs being assigned) so there I was, entering his class and called his name so that I could give him his chocolates with the messages by his husband (yes,most of the people in my school are married)and he was making a joke to his class saying that it was from his girlfriend (me) and I was just standing there like a lost lunatic. So after giving him the message and chocolate, it was recess. My friends and I wanted to play badminton (as it is one of my favourite sports of all time) the problem was that there was no shuttle cock. So my friend made me ask my other friend (in which she has a crush on) to ask him. As I was looking for him, I ran into my friend who asked me to be his valentines. Tried to not go in the same direction because well I just don't know (long story+complicated.

As i had not intended to I ran into him.( Not expecting anything but a simple ''hi'') He gave me Ferraro Roche's. I was quite shock at that moment due to thinking where he had gotten it since he was too late to order or too lazy to buy from the store. So I kind of just stood in front of him and froze! I said thanks of course but I wasn't really sure of what was going on (lame and pathetic,I know). After I said thanks, I was looking for the guy for the shuttle cock and just forgot about the chocolates. When I had finished talking about the shuttle cock, I had just realised that he gave me chocolates. Yes I'm very slow at catching up with what is going on around me. As we lined up to get back to class, I saw him again and said thanks once more. So that was basically it. Since recess, my Friend ( mostly the idiotic guys in my class,Love you though) friends kept on like whining on how unfair it was which isn't my fault actually!

So that was what happened today, You might be thinking that's sweet but trust me, we're just friends. I'm serious with cherries on top ha ha, but the thought and gesture was still sweet and nice though he he. Anyway so happy Valentines day again and at least I got chocolates from my friend in my class and my other friend that's 2 years older than me ha ha. Anyway I might be going to the cinema with my friends tomorrow (no not with him) and it'll be fun because 1. There's no school, 2. Haven't had much time to see movies lately. Hope you had a nice Valentines day as I did.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Naturally me.

Hello peeps,

Might as well tell you how 2011 has been going on for me. Well school is alright for the first week, I bet it'll get tougher next week. I'm pretty sure about that he he. I've also recently got an MP4 player so I've been downloading songs into them, I've got 73 songs so far, it can hold like 200 songs and more but I'm very particular about what songs I like and despise. most of my songs are emo so If you could hear my songs,Do not think I am a disturbed child or that I need Council ling... OK, Moving on, 2011 has been Already hectic for me and I'm only 13!! Kind of Shocked actually but it's the truth. I've met new friends and some other agenda ha ha so that's pretty awesome but It's only January so Enjoy it now but it'll get tougher later on, I'm sure of it. OH, we moved to a new building and it's quite good but I prefer the old building better but change is good I guess... I'm actually not sure myself because if you're good now and then you change that will just be spiking the phrase of 'changes are good.'

Hm What else am I forgetting? OH yeah we have two small Terrapins in our classroom and we named it Shampoo and Conditioner and if it has a kid we'll name it Soap ha ha How creative are we? Our class is also on the third floor so It's exhausting to go up and down the stairs EVERYDAY! They have a lift but we can't use it, only Kindergartens and year ones can but for older people, it's the stairs, but some rebels use it he he. As for me, I wouldn't dare to do it because I'm a coward in that sense and it's transparent so the teacher could just catch us in it easily. I've also had a crazy urge for The Vampire diaries and so are my other three friends so We talk about it a lot, at school and on Twitter he he. I'm Crushing on Ian Somerhalder so like my face book name is Aesyah Somerhalder!! ha ha I'm a major stalker freak! I also followed him on Twitter (The real Ian) And Nina that is also in The vampire diaries. Both of which are the real account.My friend and I are also apparently vampires at school, Kind of funny and Sad all at once ha ha!

Own my brother and sister has recently left so It's back to the three of us now he he and no more disturbances from my brother which I am deeply grateful of!! By the way, I'm known for being weird and have been getting that compliment a lot so If you are shocked at how weird I am, Don't be. It's naturally me. Own I've also been crazy about this type of dog which is called Chow chow. They are sooo cute! Just filled with fur and they are so CUTE!And tremendously Fluffy! If you do not know how they look like, GOOGLE IT NOW!! You'll regret it if you don't! Trust me!!! Moving on, Some of my friends which are guys have officially thought of me as a guy. It is supposedly a compliment? But I'm just like 'what?' And older boys which are my friends enjoy teasing me, I just do not get it. Am I that nice to tease? I mean my friend kept teasing me on how I can't find him because I run slow and all. You might think it's a mean joke but It's funnier if you know the whole story and my other friend always asks me to get stuff for him. Even a fork and spoon... Yeah, So Teasing me is their hobby I guess? ha ha

I think I'll stop boring you to death now, Till next time. Bye bye :D

Monday, December 27, 2010

A perfect ending to a great year and a perfect beginning to a new one :)

Hey, You guys. First Of all I'd like to wish you guys A Merry Xmas And if you're reading this late then forget that I mentioned it. ha ha And Also a Great New year. It seems like it was only yesterday that I was waiting for 2010 to arrive now I'm waiting for 2011. Should be quite excited about it all he he. 2010 was a fantastic year and it'll be better next year indeed! So What Have I been up to might think? Well I'm currently on my one month holiday after my exams which was OK and I have one more week till school starts so I'm cherishing every second,moment.

I've also been on a lot of places. First I went to Port Dickson then Melaka then Banding then to some resort, In which involves tones of swimming (because that's my hobby) But it also comes with a bad side which is...SUN BURNT! I truly hate being two shades of colours, I hope the sun burnt ill wear off soon enough. As I'm lazy to fill in every detail of the trip as it was compact and truly fun, I'll summarize it. Basically it involves swimming, people that came on the trip with us and also family gatherings which was awesome and the Orang asli place. Yes you read me, Orang asli place, We went there and stayed the night. Imagine that! Orang asli is the aboriginals. We stayed at their place and It was quite nice except for the sleeping part of course he he. The people are Quite friendly (some) And their lifestyle is so harmonious! You cannot imagine it! It's like one huge family and They don't have any crimes or problems whatsoever as they are close to one another.

They also have dogs which are tremendously adorable and So obedient and they loved me! Well one of them did he he and I played with it and it was just so fun. Other than that, We had a family day afterwards which was fun, Tones of swimming over there and Being close with cousins is always nice. The river in which we swam in was big enough and tremendously cold which you would expect if you were near the mountains. So it was fun and we had games and it was wonderful. Besides my vacation, I'd like to add the good things and bad things in which have happened to me over this year. First, I have a new baby cousin which is a boy and is totally cute and the bad news is that my friend from school went back to her country which is in Korea and she'll never return. Was kind of sad back then but we talk and communicate on facebook.

So I'm fine nowadays but she has no friends over there yet and it's apparently cold over there so she doesn't enjoy it that much. The other good news is that I've been in touch with my Australian friends a lot so that's ice and I married one of them On Halloween day he he and have been married ever since. I've also found my twin which is my best friend and have officially claimed that we are twins ha ha so that's fun. I've also been into a new series called The Vampire Diaries or TVD for short and fell in love with it straight away and made my aunt watch it he he. Hopefully she did. Other than that it has been a good year and has had some bump on the road but I've survived through it so BRING IT ON 2011!!!! I'm warning you to make it really good because we're going to die on 2012 ha ha joking but I'm serious about the being good part. I've also got some great news about 2012 as well but I don't think I'll share it with the world just yet. Till we meet again you guys. Have a great new 2011 year and Merry Belated Christmas


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another wonderful entry by yours truly :)

Hey, Thought I might write an entry because i haven't updated my blog since my birthday. Ha ha. Alright, So what have I been up to lately? Well school work has been kind of hectic. I've also been tweeting a lot because twitter is addicting! So it has been great lately, but last week I've been sick and been wanting to die. I asked my friend if he'd kill me and after a long conversation he has agreed to it and he shall kill me on Monday ha ha. My sickness temperature was 38 and I've been having endless cough and terrible block nose and even more. It's been terrible! I'm a little better today as I'm writing this but I'm still coughing and I'm currently breathing through my mouth.

Besides my sickness, I'm going to Queensbay mall tomorrow with my friends to see Mega mind 3-D, It looks epic and hilarious and then we might be going to go for karaoke which is my fav. If we're not going to karaoke due to no parenting rule ha ha we'll be skating at the skating ring.I would most probably not join my friends since I'm totally clumsy at skating so I would probably sit at the corner with my other friend as she claims that she sucks at skating too. I might try it but I'm not too certain about it since I know how clumsy I am at these things. Ha ha. What else I'm I forgetting to mention? OH I'm also recently married to my friend that's in Australia. Don't get shocked. It's nothing serious, she's just a friend and a good wife too ha ha. hm mm Well that's practically it.

Till next time, It would probably be after a few months due to my busy schedule and my laziness, I'll write another post he he. Goodnight world xx

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm officially 13 XD

HEEEY! Today's my Birthday! Which makes me an official teenager haha! I feel like a child though because i'm excited about my birthday haha! I'm 13 YIPPEEEEEEE!!! Haha, I also have holidays because of Raya sooo YIPPEEEE Again haha! My sister and mum baked me a chocolate cake which taste great! My mum also gave me a card and RM 200 bucks to spend it on watever i want so Thank you so much dear mother! And my brother gave me a wooden fork and spoon which he says will make me *cool* at school but i'm like What??? LOL! And my dad gave me a hug haha!!I'm also going to my grandmas house to celebrate Hari Raya with family and all that stuff... I'm Excited a little hehe and my cousin is giving me a present so i'm excited hehe XD I also helped make the cake this morning which turned out extremely well hehe... WEll that's basically it so far hehe so SEE YOU NEXT TIME PEEPS!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My one month holiday

Hey,thought I might update my blog since it has been quite a while and also because I'm bored and I'm still on my one month holiday. So what have I been up to? Well not much, I've seen Avatar the last air bender the day it premiered in the cinema and if you haven't seen it then sorry but I have to just say that I didn't enjoy it that much, I rather see the cartoon version then that but you guys might enjoy it except my friend and I he he. I have also recently bought some new tops because I was bored of staying in my house he he. I've also cought up with friends in my old school in Australia and it's been great. I've also had some awkward problems lately but I'll not share them with you guys because it's too personal he he. I have also seen my new school in which we will move into soon and when I first saw it, it looked like it needed a lot of work to be done (hopefully they won't finish when we have to go back to school he he).

It has also been fasting month for Muslims so I just want to wish them Happy fasting. So I guess that's it =) Peace out guys.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Girl who likes soccer say what??

HEY! I HAVE FIFA FEVER! I have been watching some Fifa matches and I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! My favourite team is ARGENTINA, BRAZIL,MEXICO and SPAIN! Although I like these teams,my most favourite team is none other then ARGENTINA!!!!! I support them one hundred percent! I LOVE MESSI IN THE ARGENTINA TEAM! HE ROCKS!!!! He is great at kicking and passing the ball to his team mates! I'll always support you Messi! The bad news is That ARGENTINA is no longer in the Fifa world cup because the Germany team beat them. WELL I HATE YOU GERMANY TEAM! I WANT YOU TO LOSE AND NEVER BEAT ARGENTINA EVER AGAIN!Paul(an octopus)predicted that Germany will win and that ARGENTINA WILL LOSE! So I hated Paul so much! Then he predicted that Spain will beat Germany and Spain did beat them! I was sooo happy and shocked!(mostly happy. I'm not a soccer fan, i've never been one but ever sinced Fifa came, I'm totally adicted! Well that's all I have to say so far.... GO ARGENTINA! EVEN THOUgH YOU LOST! YOU STILL WIN TO ME!!!!! GO MESSI!!!!!! MESSI! MESSI,MESSI,MESSI,MISSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!