Sunday, August 16, 2009

My friend is sleeping over at my house today!

Hey, Today I'm going to have a sleepover with my friend Saru. You remember her right well today she's coming to my house to spend an entire day and night with me, we might watch movies, play computer, play games and play badminton. We're quit good at playing badminton but she always hit the shuttlecock at the left side and I'm usually at the right side so she still needs practise, but I don't care it's going to be great having her around. By the way this is her first time sleeping over at any of her friends house so I'm not sure how she'll be. As for me this is probably my 76Th time because back in Australia, I used to have sleepovers practically twice in one week with different friends, but since I came back to Malaysia. This would be my first time so in total it's my 77Th time of having sleepovers in my entire life but I hope there will be plenty more. Owww no wait this sleepover would be my 78Th because I've slept over at my cousins house once so it's my 78Th time I've slept over in Malaysia , and my 77Th time sleeping over in Australia, ahhh good times.

Anyway I'll tell you what happened when the sleepover is finished.



Saya said...

hehehe you write funny. I always enjoy reading your posts.

Sanity said...

yes, brilliant-ness

how was the sleepover with Saru then? good? my wisdom teeth is growing! it hurts =[