Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Facts about interesting animals

Hi its me again, all i want to tell you is about cute hamsters.First of all if a mother hamster has kids and you go near them to lets say play with them, then in order to protect them she would actually eat them!!!!!!! i know right freaky good thing my mum won't do that.

Next is about dragons. did you know they are actually real. in fact their stomach has gas inside which is really hot and when they burp or do something they actually give out fire. I know right isn't it cool!!!!but their extinct now so you won't know alot about them boo for you but there could be actually real mermaids or fairyes or anything its just we havn't discovered them yet but maybe in the future we will.You'll never know.

now i'll go talk about the mudskipper fish.Did you know they can go out of water and they live in the mangrove swamp. I bet your wondering how they can breath well they can breath on land because they have two ways of doing it. First is they take in water in their mouth and keeps the water in there until it wants to go back inside the water. Second is they breath through their skins, and people call them fish out of water cool right.

Thats mainly it so far but when i have more facts about animals that are intresting i'll tell you ok. ooow i have one. There is a fish that doesn't swim it crawls or walks depending on how you look at it. It it unbelievable and it has four legs they call it a frog fish i don't know why. Ok now thats everything. ok i have to go now i hope you learn something from me wich i hope so if not i have failed but i don't care i just want you to enjoy my knowledge. ok tatta for now :)


Saya said...

wow honey....that is SO IMPRESSIVE!! Where did you learn all of this?

hehe perhaps you will be a vet doctor when you grow up. Although I think you will make a good writer too.

good job honey!!

Sanity said...

aaah what was that? brilliant stuff there, take that spoon out of your mouth.

No laughing here, nuh-huh....none of that for me thanks....is what she wants to hear.