Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The intruders are here

Hey, this entry is really important so listen to me OK. So where should i start, well H1N1 is happening globally . P.s just then i asked my brother how to spell globally and he said he doesn't know, and he's been bragging about how smart he is, Ha. Anyway Did you know that Malaysia is now having lots of people who are having H1N1 . For those of you who doesn't know, well now you know. Anyway now there are a few people people in my school that are becoming sick or has already been sick, but its not H1N1 its just a cold or flu, but its still serious, and do you people know whose sick right at this very minute by the time you're reading this. Well let me give you a big hint. You're reading her blog right now on this very page. So for everyone whose reading this. Just be careful of " the intruders " take care . owww before i forget. Go and see the Doctor even if you're not sick because it could be happening to YOU! So watch out for them!

1 comment:

Sanity said...

ellow you

how's it going? hope everything is good yea? miss ya lots~~