Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Election day and school dances

story 1
Today was just an ordenary kind of day exept for the fact that we had to vote for who will be the head prefect.Owww bye the way i'm a prefect too but i'm a junior prefect.Anyway my friend pocko king said that she wanted to pick for the girl only and not for the boy wich i think is rediculous.Owww i have alote of my friends here so i'm not going to tell thier real name.

So the first one was the girl her name is rose garden. she was very shy and always and i mean always looking at her feet not at the face.She was also saying um a lot how can she be a leader if she's not comfident enough.The boy his name is bongo boy.He was very very good he looked at us the whole time and said what he wanted to say wich is what i like so when we had to vote i picked bongo boy Yea bongo boy i hope he wins.

story 2
After we voted we had to dance for tomorrows preformence. It was an arobics dance with also a malay dance so they put it all together. It looked totally rediculouse so i didn't put any effort on doing it but when i soon learned the steps it was really fun and i also like the music .My teacher ms Wonder women said the endind music was wronge but we got used to the music and me and my friends had fun doing it to but it made us tired after five times. Well i hope i do well tomorrow in front of the whole school,well bye


Saya said...

sooo...will I get to meet wonder woman someday? hehe

If you are writing about me next time, I dont mind you using pretty woman on me hehehe

Saya said...

err...so you like bongo boy? hehehe.

I bet qia like bongo boy.

Sanity said...

hahahaha its not very nice to say thinsg like "the dance was ridiculous". It probably is though, knowing your school. Anyway how many times do I have to say this, I am NOT a paedophile so No, I do NOT like Bongo Boy [you think his parents were drunk when they named him?] =p

Anyway I think youshould be nice to the shy girl and maybe be her friend. Shy people are usually very nice people. And yes I am generalising. So sue me. =p

by the way I forgot, what's the election for? class president or something?