Monday, May 25, 2009

My annoying sister

Hey people from another mother,today is Monday and I'm almost getting ready to go for my belli dancing class. So thought i might talk about something before i go , but another question is what do i talk about aha that's the real question. Let me think............ well today my sister came to the office and in the car she was singing " i don't care who you are, where your from, what you did as long as you love me " in a french accent which BTW sucks. Sorry i don't know the actual title of the song. Also it sounds like a dieing croaking frog. It was so hilarious until she sang again in the office. Even when i was doing my Mandarin homework, she was talking to me in the yahoo IM and she was typing I don't carrrrre who you are, where your from ,what you did as long as you love me. Then i got so annoyed so to solve the problem , i slapped her like there was no tomorrow. Also she was right beside me and she was talking about a song so i couldn't control my anger so i slapped her then i was satisfied. Until ten minutes later then she started to sing i don't care who you are, where your from, what you did as long as you love me. In her " french accent " which actually sounded like she was singing in an Irish accent.

Owww my s*%#@ sister, If you have a sister that you don't like, then can we swap for a while then you will know my pain ., and now that song is stuck in my head. AGGGGGHHHHHHH!


Saya said...

hehehe this is the funniest entry EVER!!

I cant believe she sang that over and over again! yeah anybody wants to swap people? take her.

Sanity said...

yes, my singing is funny cause its soo good!! and No, it doesnt sound like dying frogs, you silly lil liar!!! My french acsion was good..hohoho, that's how the frenchies laugh hahaha

Sanity said...

By the way, it was spelt:

"I dont caergh
Whoo you aregh
where you're from
what you did
as long as you love me

hahahaha...what song is that? I cant remember the title...Stupid radio put it in my head!