Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sports day

Hey guys, tomorrow my school is going to have it's first sports day in the history of time, and my mum is a bit angry because we have been practicing for two weeks and we have skipped our normal lessons. I'm also a bit angry cause we are only going to be there for 3 hours. I mean why are they making such a big deal gosh my school is silly, and when i said the same thing to my friends they said that it is our first sports day ever so they want it to be our best.Even in my old school we didn't go that far geez, and on monday my friend had to stay back after school to practice, and i thought it was going to be like 2 hours but instead it was for 1:20 -6:00. Thats like 4 hours and 4o minutes. She was so tired after that and i felt sorry for her.

Anyway enough of my complains, OMG i'm going to become my mum because she always complain but not all the time only sometimes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Anyway I'm in "MARS" team . for most of the teams, have a name that was a planet. I'll tell you all of them :1is Venus, 2: Neptune 3: Jupitorand last but not least MARS! whoo mars yay.

Do you want to know what i'll be doing , i'll be doing hold on i'll go in order: 1 is marching with the prefects, then i'll do a cheerleading dance, then i'll do a telematch( it means i play games and activities ) then i'll do a relay and thats it but it's exhausting for my legs .

Also for our team we have to sing:

Care free,
whereever we will be
We are the famous marcien team!
We don't really care whoever you may
Cause we are the famous marcien team!

Thats it then we'll sing it again and do sme claping and then we'll put up our arms into a "V" shape and finally we'll say MARS , but i'm not doing that because i have to march with the other prefects and we will go first then only the mars will go second.

Thats basically it i'll tell you who wins the next time i'll write. Owww by the way i'm doing my sports day tomorrow ( Saturday 16/5/2009)

bye wish me good luck if you want to.


Sanity said...

good luck smelly =p Im sure you'll do fine...and if you don't...well who cares, its just a sports if people are going to remember the first sports day of your school...the future generations wouldn't give a horse's a$$ about the first sports day =p hehehe

Sanity said...

MARS team, but MARS is for men and VENUS is for women so you have to be as strong as the men or you cant be in MARS team. MARS team is for the best only

Saya said...

good luck honey....hehe I'm sure you will do well and you will have fun.

Oh well I was never good at sport in school and I hate sport's day but I still go every year.

Sanity said...

when did I write a comment about mars and venus???

I sooooo dont remember weird for me to say something like that. how retarded...

Saya said...

I think Dinie wrote the comment, on your account. LOL!!