Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Hey everyone,SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIFITRI! I hope you enjoyed your celebrations with your family. I know I did. First of all I went to my cousins house because I needed to pick my annoying sister up from the airport. It was a lot of fun over there, and my cousin kept calling me a monkey so I chased him around the house.Then finally we were tired so we ended up sitting together so my other cousin started to laugh. So anyway I was there for I think half a day. Then the next day was HARI RAYA so we went to the same cousins house to celebrate raya over there. It was great and I had a lovely time over there. For the next day, I went to my grandma's house on my mum's side of the family. I had fun over there but not as fun as at my dads house. We went to celebrate raya at my dad's side of the family. Anyway as I was saying, I had a wonderful time there but not as fun as with my cousins on my dads side of the family. For thenext day, we made a type of party with my dad's side of the family and we ate and had fun. BTW, Saru's family came because we invited her as well and they had fun, I think. Anyway so tomrrow my uncle and Aunty are coming over so I'll tell you how it goes some other days.

OK bye and selamat hari raya aidilfitri!

1 comment:

Saya said...

so when are you going to buy me lunch like you did last year? I hear you are rich from all the duit raya! heheh.

I'm all for pizza hut you know ehemm.