Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I hate being sick!

Hey everyone,I'm sick today so I stayed home. But I don't have H1N1. I just have a normal fever that's all. And its the day before i pick up my mum from the airport.I hope I'll feel better tomorrow. Anyway even though I'm sick which let me tell you SUCKS! I still have the energy to do my homework . Pretty impressive if your sick. but i feel very week. Only my body parts. the Doctor gave me a sleepy medicine so my dad decided not to send me to school today. At first i didn't understand but the next morning ( TODAY ). I felt really painful everywhere. So it was good that dad didn't send me to school.And the sleepy medicine really works. Because last night my dad cut the medicine in half and my body felt tired after 3 hours. I mean REALLY TIRED! So last night i slept at 9:30 like my normal bedtime but in this case i woke up at 7:45. I slept for about 10 hours and 15 minutes. And when i woke up i felt really dizzy i couldn't even walk straight. It was like i was drunk, except for having the major headaches this morning.

I still feel tired everywhere but its because i had my lunch and i had to eat the same medicine again. One thing I love about being sick is that I don't need to go to school. And if your shocked then you truly don't know the mind of a kid. I mean TRULY DON"T KNOW THE MIND OF A KID. And if you know about the body and all that other biology things about humans and kids and still don't know that kids love not going to school. Then there's something wrong with you. And you need to go to the doctors right now. And i think I'm the one sick. maybe its you. Now go see a doctor! If your a Doctor who doesn't know about this, then i have a question for you. The question is How did you pass University? Anyway what I don't like about being sick is i feel tired, i can't breathe properly because of my block nose, my body feels like its going to collapse any minute and my, hold on let me bold this for you, MY MEDICINE. Yuck they are disgusting to take. The only medicine i like is called VITAMIN C. Now they are delicious. If people have an award for " which medicine taste better " competition. Then VITAMIN C will surely win.

And before i used to eat the syrup medicine but now i eat the tablet ones.Let me tell you something. The syrup ones aren't effective at all! Last time I had a cough so i had the cough syrup and after i took it i was coughing for a couple of hours.And i tried to stop coughing but it wouldn't work. So there , i rest my case.

Anyway Moral of this entry is :1 I hate being sick, 2 Avoid being sick because it SUCKS!, 3 People should have an award for the best tasting medicine of the year.That's all. Owww but the winner will always always be VITAMIN C.


1 comment:

Saya said...

hey so sorry you are sick again, but cant help smiling reading yr entry. BTW, Im writing this at changi singapore airport while waiting for the flight to penang. hooray cant wait to see you.

get well soon honey. I love you.