Monday, July 6, 2009

My mums coming home on Thursday, YAY!

YAY, MY mum is coming home in 3 more days. WAHOO. I miss her a lot over the past three and a half weeks. I don't miss my sister at all just my mum. HE HE HE! And I'm even more excited about my b'day pressie. It better be GOOD COMPRENDE SENIORITA! If it isn't good then i'll tell my mum , " SOMEBODY GONNA GET A HURT REAL BAD"! And on Monday i have an exam coming up . WAAAAAAAA. so i'm just taking a break from studying because my brain feels like its very very very HOT! I have just been studying Science since its on the first day. Agh, I 'm so tired of constenly having exams. WE'RE JUST SMALL KIDS! Jeez louise. Anyway thats bassically it so ourivoir everyone.

1 comment:

Saya said...

hi honey I cant wait to come home too!! Im missing home and missing you real bad.

and if I dont get a big hug and kisses at the airport I tell u someone is gonna get hurt real bad hehehehe

love u honey and i miss u so much!!!!!