Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm on YOUTUBE, my friends are too but meh to them.

Hey, Sorry I haven't posted anything for a long time but I've been quite busy so yea and There's been so much happening lately so I don't know where to start. OK let me just start by saying, I'M ON YOUTUBE! Well its not just me its my classmates and I but I don't care. If you want to check it out, then go to the Internet type then at the search place type Yenganda 02 . Then right after you'll see the first link that has 0:35 seconds which has a picture of my classmates. Once you click it , there will be my classmates and I dancing. It was so cool when I saw myself! There's also some other people in my school, you can look at them but check out our classrooms dance first. Anyway that's basically it for now so I hope you enjoy the videos.



Saya said...

heheh wow you are famous......I love the video!!

you dance very well but you need to focus on your studies first yada yadayada.

Sanity said...

awesomeness...I'll check it out once I've the time :D :D how've you been lazy bum? still studying for that test? when is it by the way?

good luck and dont freak out yea? its only one of those stupid tests....its not even important..really... :D